Provides a tabbed view More...
Import Statement: | import quey.ui 0.1 |
Inherits: |
import QtQuick 2.4 import quey.ui 0.1 ApplicationView { width: Units.dp(640) height: Units.dp(480) TabView { id: tabView anchors.fill: parent menu: Menu { items: [ MenuItem { text: "File" } ] } actions: [ Action { iconName: "plus" } ] TabPage { title: "Main" Label { anchors.centerIn: parent text: "Something" } } } Component { id: myTabPage TabPage { id: page closable: true movable: true Button { anchors.centerIn: parent text: page.title } } } Component.onCompleted: { for (var i=0; i<5; i++) { var page = myTabPage.createObject(null, {title: "My Tab " + i.toString()}) tabView.addTab(page) } } }
actions : Action |
A list of actions to be displayed next to the tab bar.